Planners & Buyers

The most intensive users of the tRS platform.


Planners need to be able to see at an aggregate level and down to SKU what products are selling across geography, channel and location, as well as understand the speed of sell-thru relative to price and promotion. They then plan out what needs to be bought and landed where and when and at what price. It is a complex task.

Swimming in
Larger Data Pools…

Planners and buyers swim in large, and complex pools of data on a day to day basis. If that data is not well-structured across dimensions – (ie. product, channel and time) – then the task of making sense of that data is impossible.

the Retail Score Helps Planners By Providing The Following:

Retail Operations managers need clear, concise and relevant operational insights for their teams, be they Area Managers or Store Managers.
The Retail Score has dozens of pre-defined insights, and we structure the data to reflect the way you view your business. Your calendar, your product definitions, your channels and regions, your customer segments.
Executives need to enable their people to use information to take action. This means having access to the right insights at the right time. Data needs to be updated rapidly and frequently, content needs to be securely shared and that content needs to be targeted at roles and functions At the Retail Score, that is what we do.

What Retailers
Say About tRS